CHARMED Boxed Set 1, Hero Hearts Historical: Inspirational Western Romance Page 25
Claire slowly shook her head.
Lee took her hand in his. “She’s going to be okay, Claire. There’s nothing physically wrong with her that Lance and I can tell. The most important thing now, and when she wakes up, is that she realizes that you support my care of her 100%. Can you do that?”
“Yes, I can. You told us this yesterday.”
“I did,” he agreed, “but hearing it and doing it are completely different things. If this is going to be successful, you have to trust me. We cannot let her divide us.”
The door opened and Jim joined them. “Any change?” His voice was hopeful.
“Not yet, but we’re confident today is the day.” Lance assured him.
Claire reached for her brother’s hand. “Lee was just explaining how important it is for us to remember that Mary needs our support, and for now, that means following Lee’s lead.”
Lee motioned to a chair and Jim sat down.
“This is going to potentially be hardest for you, Jim. You’ve taken the role of being her support and protector. Will you be able to relinquish that to me?”
Jim paused, but then nodded.
“Good. Lance and I have decided that if—no, when Mary wakes up today, our plan is to keep her here for at least another forty-eight hours. Maybe more.”
“Why if there’s nothing physically wrong with her? She’ll never stay here once she feels well enough to go home.”
“Because emotionally she’s fragile, Claire. In essence, I’m going to break down the walls that she’s built up around her heart and mind, and that will take careful execution on my part. Mary may need medication to help her deal with some of this, and she won’t let go easily. Today, I want her to realize that both of you support the role that I’m going to take in her life, and she needs to come to the place where she accepts that in order for this to work. I will annoy her at times. With me so far?”
They nodded their agreement.
“Claire, you probably understand this best. Was it difficult for you initially to submit your will to Sully when you didn’t want to?”
“Yes, it still is,” she admitted, “but I’m learning that Sully truly does love me and even though I may resist, okay, maybe often resist, so far he has proven that he truly has my best interest at heart. I can even admit he usually knows what I need even when I don’t. Or when I don’t want to see it,” she offered softly.
“Perfect. That’s exactly what I’m talking about. I’m a student of human behavior and the human body, and honestly I’m good at what I do.”
“Scary good,” Claire agreed.
Lee laughed. “These two things combined with the love I feel for Mary will help me to guide her toward finally accepting the help she needs, and I dare say, she craves. I want her to submit to my care, and ultimately my prayer is that she will allow herself to let go of the past and move forward toward a future with me.”
“She already cares for you, Lee. I’ve watched it since the beginning when we first met you and I was dancing around my feelings for Sully. Even then she was afraid of the feelings being around you elicited.”
Lee nodded. “Yes, I was aware of that, too, I just thought she needed more time. Now I realize I made a mistake by giving her too much time. She didn’t need more time—she needed me to step up and help her move through her past into our future together. I won’t make that same mistake again.”
Chapter 11
Doc Holloway’s Infirmary | Bareglen Creek
“Hey sleepyhead, you’re shirking your duties at the farm. It’s time to wake up. Colossal is complaining that he hasn’t seen you in days, and he’s not happy about it, not one bit!” Claire forced her voice to be cheerful.
“She’s right, Mary,” Jim added. “Colossal is even grumpier than usual and although Claire has offered to give him another one of her famous talks, Sully won’t hear of it.”
Claire laughed. “As if he could stop me.”
“Is that so, Mrs. Clarke?” Sully asked, standing in the doorway to the infirmary.
“Oh, Hi, Sully. When did you get here?” Claire asked innocently while bending down to her sister’s ear to whisper, “You know, you could help me out here.”
“I’ve been here long enough,” he promised, the corners of his lips turned up despite his authoritative tone. “Do you really think I couldn’t stop you, Claire?”
She giggled. “Oh no, I know you could stop me, dear husband. I was just being silly for Mary’s benefit. You know, sisterly support and all that.”
“I’m not sure that’s the kind of support you should be sending Mary’s way right now, sweetheart, do you?”
Claire gulped. “Umm, Mary, a little help here?” She whispered loudly while moving to put Mary’s bed smack dab between her and Sully. It took a lot of effort, but she resisted sticking her tongue out at him.
“You’re playing with fire, Claire,” Jim warned his sister.
“Not sure that bed can protect you either, sweetheart,” Sully added.
Claire moved directly behind Lee Jamison, garnering a snort from Jim and a look of incredulity from Sully. “Wrong move, Claire. Doctor Jamison is definitely on my side.”
She squealed as Sully moved like lightening around the bed. Claire ran as fast as she could to the other side, but he caught her around the waist and swung her around. Her laughter filled the room.
Lee smiled at Sully and Claire’s antics. He could only hope he would enjoy similar silly moments with Mary in the not-too-distant future. His hand rested on Mary’s pulse, and he glanced at his timepiece. Her pulse began to beat rapidly. He caught Lance’s eye and Lance moved to Mary’s side, checking her pulse on the other hand, then he motioned to Claire.
Claire rushed to Mary’s side. “Hey sis, wake up. I need some help here. Come on, Mary,” she urged. “You can do this! You don’t even want to know what Colossal is going to do if he has to go even more days without seeing you. He’ll probably break out of that corral of his.”
* * *
Was that Claire’s voice calling her? What was that about Colossal? He’d been acting weird last week. That was last week, right? Was Colossal sick? A bright light shined in Mary’s eye and she groaned.
“That’s right, Mary. Come back to us,” Lee encouraged.
Lee? Was that Lee Jamison’s voice? She groaned again. He was so annoying—surely she was imagining it? Why would Lee be here?
“Mary,” she felt a pinch at her arm.
Ouch, that hurt. Why won’t they just leave her alone? She was so tired—she just wanted to sleep, and then the darkness blissfully claimed her again.
“Nooo!” Claire cried. “Mary Hawarden Trost, you open your eyes right now,” Claire demanded. “Do you hear me? Open your eyes,” Claire begged before she first burst into tears, burying her face in Mary’s arm.
“Claire, come with me,” Sully wrapped his arm around his wife.
“Nooo!” She wailed, “I just want my sister to come back.” Claire grabbed Mary’s hand and squeezed, tears dripping from her face onto Mary’s arm. “I’m not leaving until she wakes up.” And then she felt it, Mary squeezed her hand in response. “Mary! It’s me, Claire. I’m here. Please open your eyes for me, please, please!” She begged her sister, unable to stop her tears or her desperation. “Please, Mary, please, please,” she whispered.
Mary opened her eyes and turned toward Claire. “Why— are you crying?”
“Because I want you to wake up, silly, and you did it!” Claire laughed and cried and then hugged her sister hard.
“Claire, take it easy on Mary,” Jim laughed. “Hey sis, it’s about time you woke up,” Jim added walking to her side.
“What do you mean?” Mary whispered. “Water?” Her brow furrowed.
Lee gave a stern look at Jim and Claire, and they took a step back. “Mary, look at me,” he demanded.
Mary closed her eyes.
“Nope, that’s not going to work. If you want water, you need to look at me,” he insisted.
Mary opened her eyes. “Lee? What are you doing here?”
“It’s nice to see you, too, Mary. I’m here to take care of you.”
Her eyes opened wider now. She moved her head and then moaned. “My head.”
“Yes, Mary, you hit your head, but it’s hard and tough and you’re going to be okay now,” he assured her with a grin.
She managed a weak smile. “Water?”
Lee grabbed a glass from the table beside him and gently raised Mary’s head. She managed a sip before moaning again.
“What happened?”
“Do you remember?” Lee asked.
She closed her eyes and shook her head, then winced. “Where am I?”
“At Doctor Holloway’s.”
“Can I go home now?”
“Not yet, Mary.”
She scowled. “Please.”
“Sorry, princess, not yet, but soon if you’re good,” Lee promised.
“I’m here sis, let me see those beautiful brown eyes.”
The corner’s of Mary’s mouth turned up and she tried to sit up. “Jim, take me home.”
He laughed and gently pushed her back on the bed. “Oh, so you finally wake up and immediately you try to get me in trouble with Doc Jamison. Thanks a lot, sis. Thanks but no thanks.”
“Where’s Doc Holloway?”
“I’m here, Mary. How are you feeling?”
“Better,” she lied.
He chuckled.
“Can you let me go home?”
“When you get to go home is Doctor Jamison’s decision, Mary. For now you need food and more rest.”
Mary frowned. “I can’t eat.”
“If you can’t eat, you can’t go home,” Lee emphasized. “Okay, everyone, it’s time for the patient to get some rest, and time for you all to go home.”
Claire scowled at Lee, but he silenced her with one look. “Go home and get some rest, Claire. You can come back to see Mary tomorrow.”
“Yes, doctor,” she replied. Sully smiled at her and kissed her forehead.
“We’ll see you tomorrow, Mary. Get some rest, and obey the doctor, got it?” Jim added before kissing his sister’s forehead. “I love you.”
“Love you, too,” she murmured before falling back to sleep.
Chapter 12
Doc Holloway’s Infirmary
Mary woke to find Claire’s head resting on her bed. She looked around, confused, but then remembered taking with Lee Jamison, Doc Holloway, Claire, and Jim—was that today or yesterday—or was that a dream? She moved her head tentatively. It was sore, but felt better. Suddenly she realized she needed to pee.
“Sis, can you move? I need to go pee.”
“Mary! Yes, let me get the doctor.”
“I don’t need the doctor to go pee,” Mary argued.
“If I let you get up without him and then you faint again and fall or hit your head, I don’t even want to think about what Doc Jamison will do to me,” Claire announced. She pinned her eyes on her sister. “Stay there.”
Claire moved to the door and opened it. “Doc Jamison? Mary’s awake.”
Mary hissed. “I don’t want to see him. Where’s Lance? You’re supposed to be on my side, you traitor.”
Claire offered a sad smile to her sister. “I love you sis, but this time I’m on the side of you getting better, whatever that takes.”
“Why does that sound so ominous?”
Claire sighed. “Just listen to the doc and get better, all right?”
Mary groaned as Lee Jamison entered the room.
He moved to her side and smiled down at her before taking a pen light from his pocket and checking her eyes.
“That’s bright,” she complained, “and I need to go to the bathroom.”
Lance Holloway entered the room. “Mary, how are you feeling?”
“Better, thank you. Can I get some privacy to go to the bathroom, please, and then can I go home?”
Lance looked at Lee. “You’re here for at least a few more days, Mary.”
“No,” she moaned. “I can rest at home.”
“You’re here for observation,” he countered.
“Jim can observe me just fine, or Claire. I don’t need to stay here. I don’t want to stay here,” she insisted.
“While I appreciate your sentiments, they won’t change the fact that you’re here for at least a few more days,” Lee stated. “Lance, can you hand me the bedpan?”
“You wouldn’t,” Mary scowled at the doctor.
“You have two choices, Mary. You can use a bedpan to relieve yourself, or I can help you to the toilet, which would you prefer?”
“Neither,” she argued. “I want to go home.”
“Not one of your two options, Mary, and since you’re arguing, we’ll go with the bedpan.”
“No, please, let Claire help me.”
Lee looked at Lance and back at Mary. “I’m a doctor, Mary. You don’t have anything I haven’t seen hundreds of times over.”
“Please,” she begged.
Lance raised his eyebrows at Lee, amazed that she’d acquiesced so easily.
Lee sighed. “All right, Mary, I’ll let Claire assist you with the bedpan this time. Claire, if you need assistance, I’ll be on the other side of the door.”
“Yes, doctor,” Claire agreed meekly.
After the men left the room Mary narrowed her eyes at Claire. “Who are you and what have you done with Claire?”
Claire laughed. “Let’s get this taken care of, or you’ll have two doctors at your side helping you instead of me.”
“Help me up.”
“No, Mary, I won’t. We’re going to do what Doctor Jamison ordered, and that’s final.”
“Okay, okay,” Mary agreed, but then added, “why do I feel like you’re the one who hit your head.”
Claire ignored her sister, helped her relieve herself, and then pulled the blanket back up to her neck. “Rest, my sweet sister, and get better.”
“Don’t leave me,” Mary pleaded, reaching for her sister’s arm.
“You are in good hands, Mary, the best, really. I’ll be back tomorrow,” she assured her sister with a kiss as Lee Jamison made his way back into the room.
Mary grabbed Claire’s hand. “Stay,” she implored.
“You are going to be fine. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Claire paused halfway to the door and looked back.
Lee Jamison raised his eyebrows at her. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Claire.”
Claire took a deep breath and nodded.
Chapter 13
Mary’s Farm, Bareglen Creek
“Are you sure we’re doing the right thing, Jim?” Claire walked beside her brother as they moved toward the barn.
Jim took his time before answering. “If Lance and Lee both agree this is what Mary needs, then we need to trust them.”
“But she was so confused when I left her. She all but begged me to stay with her. I can tell she scared,” Claire added softly.
“I know,” Jim squeezed Claire’s arm, “but she’s been running from her fear and grief for a year-and-a-half, Claire. It’s not doing her any good, and although she pretends she loves the farm, I’m not so sure she does.”
“What do you mean? She has plans for expansion—this farm has become her life.”
“I talked with Lance yesterday and he told me that he and Lee suspect Mary is clinging to the farm in an attempt to keep Mike alive in some way and avoid the pain of his death—or the guilt—or maybe both.”
“Oh, Jim, my heart just breaks for her. She’s been through so much at such a young age.” Claire’s hand moved to her stomach.
“She has, but she’s strong and she will get through this.”
“It’s just hard to imagine Mary being vulnerable. It makes my stomach flipflop to think about how intimidating it would be to have Lee Jamison focused on me full-time, and then add Lance to that…” She shuddered. “I think this will be
tougher than Lee realizes.”
“I think it will be challenging,” Jim agreed, “but I think Lee is prepared for it. He is very… insightful and determined.”
“That’s an understatement, and if I didn’t know better, I truly would think he is a mindreader. The way he looks at you—or through you— is enough to scare anyone. It’s hard for me to imagine Mary having to deal with that alone,” Claire admitted.
Jim stopped and took both of Claire’s hands in his. She paused in front of him. “I know this is hard, sis, and I know you want to be there to support her, but Lee has been clear with both of us that in order to break down the walls we have to let him be the person that Mary leans on.”
Claire nodded, blinking away tears. “I know,”she agreed softly, “but it’s much harder than I thought it would be. I don’t want her to think we’ve abandoned her, and I’m afraid that’s exactly how she feels. She—she accused me of being a traitor.”
Jim chuckled. “Well, in light of the fact that you are both formidable women independently, and an even stronger force together, it’s perfectly natural for her to call you out on not supporting what she wants.” He paused, gathering his thoughts, and then added, “This isn’t just a one-time thing, sis. If this works, Lee will become an important part of Mary’s future and the dynamics will change simply by the very nature of their relationship.”
Claire nodded, her eyes focused on Jim’s. “You know, I hadn’t fully acknowledged how I felt about Sully’s leadership in our marriage until Lee questioned me about it, and helped me to see that for the first time, I feel truly safe and loved in my marriage with Sully as a direct result of his dominant nature. I struggled against his authority, and outright fought it at times. Daddy was always strong in our lives, but Mary and I could both manipulate him when we really wanted to. Sully doesn’t let me get away with anything, but he always listens, and considers my opinions and desires. Sometimes he’ll change his mind because of it, but often he doesn’t,” she admitted. “It made me angry at first, but now I think I’ve grown up enough to be honest that in those times, I find that in the end, he made the best decision for me and for us.”